News: What's the lastest in the fight for healthcare?

"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." - Kofi Annan

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2024-10-11 Thank you everyone for the overwelming support. Please make all signage state "Protect Healthcare -". Please do not politicize the sign. Although I personally am a Trump supporter, the Democrats have the same right and responsibiliy to protect healthcare. I have no idea if Donald Trump would make a difference on this issue. So let's get a candidate on either side say they will prtect healthcare rights effected by this issue before we vote. By not branding the message to a particular party, the site will get more viewership.

2024-10-7 I attended the 2024 Independence Blue Cross Health Equity Summit.

Here is my report on the experience

It started with an email from Independence Blue Cross inviting me to the Health Equity Summit 2024, to be held within the IBX headquarters located at 1901 Market street. The building with all the expensive LED lights that I paid for. After 7 years of struggling against this company, how could I resist this invitation?
I signed up and then received this message.
I presented myself in the lobby of Independence Blue Cross at the designated time. Twice, I attempted to show the lady at the front desk the printout of the email with the barcode and asked to meet with Rini Singh. She seemed annoyed and demanded “are you here for the summit?” I replied yes. She said it's over there and pointed to a different part of the lobby. I went over to the other part of the lobby and presented my email print out. The person I presented wasn't interested in looking at any papers either, and indicated if that I was there for the summit I could be brought up immediately with several other members already waiting. Throughout the course of the event, I asked other members If they had received a unique barcode to present, and if they were rejected when attempting to use it. No other attendee of the conference that I spoke to had received any such of type of an email. My theory is that email was just for me, scanning it at the front desk would have allowed the company to know I was there, after all, I have been complaining about the company to the company for 7 years, maybe Rini Singh wanted to help. Or maybe perhaps a security technique. Whatever it was, it was completely missed. When I was escorted upstairs, everyone, including myself, had to walk through a security scanner. It beeped positive for everyone, but they were just ushered through. In my example, I was carrying an entire backpack. Fortunately, the only thing in my backpack was my iPad, a notepad, and some crackers to eat in case my blood sugar got low before any food was presented.
So the first thing they showed me was low security standards. What if one of the other disgruntled people chose not to act civilized?
I sat in the very front. The first speaker presented, it was no other than Dr. Richard Synder himself, the very Dr. Snyder who has played a game of run and hide with me for the last 7 years. There he was, just inches in front of me. The man who's made millions by denying me access to healthcare. He started out by stating that he had to be the announcer since Gregory Devons had been called away. Wow, I was that close to being able to ask Gregory Devens about my matter. Hopefully next time.
At the end of Dr Snyder's initial presentation, he asked if there were any questions. Dr Snyder allowed me to present a question. I asked if there was any chance that providing access to care for one group of people might possibly come at the expense of another. Seems like a fair question, considering my experience. I cited my website. The virtual speaker was eloquent and provided an intelligent sounding response that the company was taking every effort to ensure that wasn't the case. Dr. Snyder was completely silent, obviously knocked off guard for a moment, but then just simply carried on. He’s good. It’s not easy being made out of solid ice, but for $700,000 annually + bonuses, I’d be willing to try. Immediately thereafter, Dr. Cerdá casually got up to walk past me on the way to the refreshment counter, where he took a good look at me along the way. He returned from the refreshment area back to his seat, checking me again, seemingly not having obtained anything from the refreshment counter. Perhaps he just needed to stretch his legs.
After the presentation, the executives mingled with the members. I approached Dr Snyder to speak to him. Before I could extend my hand to shake his, he ran off like a cockroach that just saw the lights go on. If there's one characteristic I can offer about Dr. Snyder, its's that he's consistently unprofessional. And he plays a strong game of run and hide. All I wanted to do was peacefully confront him about this matter, in person and ask him if there were any additional options for my care, but I think he was immediately ushered into the FührerBunker. He was not seen again by me throughout the course of the summit. All of this brings up a very valuable point: Do they think I am a threat to them? This scenario gives us the opportunity to examine precisely who is the threat to whom. Dr Snyder, experienced a brief moment of embarrassing public uncomfortableness, then went home, probably in a Mercedes Benz or equivalent, to one of his multi million dollar homes. On the other hand, I'm going to walk up Market Street to the parking lot with unexplained throbbing muscle discomfort, and chest pains, not one office visit in 5 years, all the while knowing that no immediate advancement has been made towards my access to health care. So let him be uncomfortable. He'll recover better than I will. I then turned and approached Dr. Rodrigo Cerdá. I offered my hand to shake his, he was gracious, and shook it. I was humbled. After all, it wasn't really his problem, although he's know of me for several years online. He's just trying to do his job. He's obviously been directed to ignore my. complaint, was assigned to Dr. Snyder years ago. And he just raced out of the room to leave dDr. Cerdá to deal with me.
And then asked him in person if there was any way he could help me with my issue. Dr. Cerdá, with a handsome, public photo worthy plastic smile, began to recite to me all the standard verbage. Call the number on the back of your ID card and so forth. So I asked him point blank: “but how do I do it without losing my home?” That clearly changed him. And at that moment, I was looking into the eyes of a real person. This was great, I thought. There were no cameras around. Just two men speaking. Let him tell me what he really thinks.
”I think you want me to solve your problem.”, he said. I was caught off guard by that question. Now it was my time to be stunned in silence for a moment. It was absolutely the right question, but stated clearly in a sarcastic and unwilling tone. After a moment of thought I stated “Yes, as an officer of the company, I would like your help.” I spoke professionally and calmly, and never raised my voice.
“No thank you”, were his final words before he turned and walked away from me.
The summit, at least in theory, was presented to help people. It wasn't about me. I had no intention of making a scene. I only wanted access to the executives so I could ask them in person about my concerns. They made it beyond perfectly clear they were unwilling. So I had no choice but to move on leave it at that. I didn't have great expectations, so I wasn't that disappointed. but I was initially excited to get that close to the people who have ignored me for 7 years, and confront them about my issue. After the two executives had gone as far away from me as they could, I continued to mingle with other members. It was a bit of a photo session. The members were using their cell phones to take pictures of the food, the facility, and the still slide that was presented on the screen during this time.
I did so as well, and took this photograph. It's seating for a list of the executives. I was humbled to see that list, as nearly every name listed there is one that I own as a dot com. I was approached by a young man wearing a gray female pants outfit. (No judgment, simply a description. I openly admit that Independence Blue Cross has a very diverse team.)
The gentleman seemed curious about what I was doing. I somewhat joyfully boasted to him that if you took any of those names and put it a dot com on the end, I own it, which is my legal right to purchase available internet domain names.
He immediately ran away. A moment later I was approached by a Mr. Castro.
He instructed me to stop filming, and indicated that it was because the company will be releasing its own press video. He was gentle and polite with his voice.
I did not film anything, I was only taking still photos like the other members, but I didn't want to engage him or start any form of conflict. I apologized, admitted that I should have asked first before taking any photos, and put my iPad back in backpack. Then I observed him leave as quickly as he entered and made no comment to any other picture takers about the right to take pictures while they continued to do so. Was this an attempt to incite me so that I could be removed from the event? It failed. I was invited there to provide feedback about the company, and that’s what I was there to do and will continue to do.
After one of the sessions before lunch, I met with Lisa, who is the director of the health coaches. Lisa and one of her associates were kind enough to allow me to vent my 7-year frustration with Independence Blue Cross, and how it involved the health coach system. I told them everything that I have experienced and continue to experience. They seemed sympathetic, but I'm not sure anything will come of it. Fingers crossed that they will provide feedback to the upper management.

Pros: Some of the summit was genuinely legitimate. I met with people who have suffered injustice and was humbled to hear their stories.
All of the staff that I met, besides the executives, we're extremely polite, accommodating, and helpful. I lot of genuine people work there. I found my own personal actions uplifting. I offered peace, and continued to let go of my anger and resentment. I continued to forgive that which I don't understand.
I feel I officially approved to the. management of independence Blue Cross that their policy of ignore him, and he'll go away isn't working. I'll continue to reach out. For as long as I can.
Cons: I'm not brought any closer to a solution. The organization is still resistant to complaints, critical feedback or change that doesn't meet certain dynamics or have any public value.

9-4-2024 - I finally got the medical records that I have been asking for for quite some time. They arrived at least a week later than the date on the letter, as well as containing a statement that this was the second time they sent me the information. I'd like to take them at their word that it was lost in the mail or something, but I'm suspicious they're just saying that. I find them highly untrustworthy. Anyway, here it is. It looks big because they itemized every line from the required hospital admissions, in which I attempted to build a payment plan with the hospital but was forced to use Blue Cross. Other than two emergency hospitalization hospitalizations for diabetic infections in the last two years, no other office visits or any other activity whatsoever in the last 5 years. I encourage the public to review the medical records that I openly submit to you. Bottom line: between 2016 and 2024. There are more years with zero claims whatsoever than there are years that have claims. Review the data and prove me wrong. Note: my diabetes, heart disease, Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) or muscular disorders took a pause during that period.

8-6-2024 - Josh Shapiro, Ally of Independence Blue Cross, has been rejected by the Harris campaign. What does this mean for the future of health care?

6-7-2024 - I am inpatient at Paoli Hospital. In a ward for serious patients. Surgery scheued for later today. More to follow.

6-6-2024 - I did receive a call from someone who indicates she works in the office of Dr. Richard Snyder at Independence Blue Cross. I’m impressed and humbled to get a call back. Unfortunately, my Google-based phone number will not work over the hospital Wi-Fi. Many ports are blocked here and services are limited. I understand that reserves important bandwidth for the serious issues here. I wrote back to the lady via email and let her know. I’m looking forward to talking to her next week.

6-5-2024 - Despite the fact that the urgent care did a fantastic job, the assignment was beyond them, and the red infection is advancing rapidly. It’s late at night. but I wrote an impassioned email to Independence Blue Cross to plead some way in which we can resume services. I am left with no choice, but to surrender myself to the hospital against my will.

Infection out of control

My prayer through pain

'Cause there's a monster livin' under my bed
Whisperin' in my ear
There's an angel with her hand on my head
She say, "I got nothin' to fear
There's a darkness livin' deep in my soul
I still got a purpose to serve
So let your light shine
Deep into my home
God, don't let me lose my nerve


6-4-2024 - I can't get anyone at ibx and they're having a big party today. Big parties every day. I went to mainline urgent care in Broomall.

Here's what they found.

6-4-2024 - I was contacted by Senator Casey's office. The staff member there asked me to call her to discuss this. I gave her as much information as I can. She indicated she will go back to her supervisor and see what can be done.

I have contacted Senator Bob Casey.

6-4-2024 - I had a very positive and validating experience in the Mainline Health Urgent care center in Broomall, PA.Here's what they found.

I presented it myself to Mainline Urgent Care, knowing that their computers are going to associate me with Independence Blue Cross. The facility is new and absolutely beautiful, somewhat reminiscent of a classic shopping mall inside. I jokingly asked the receptionist where the Mrs fields Cookies was located. Two strangers having a moment of levity during a time of crisis. Once inside, I kept my head down but the intake lady did indicate she saw I had an insurance that she called Keystone. I told her that that was Independence Blue Cross and I had a lot of problems with that company. I asked her if I could pay out of pocket. She said yes. It was only $50 more. That was comforting. I would have left if the answer was no and gone to a different private urgent care. Then she asked me to take a seat to wait. She went behind the back wall. I couldn't see her, but I could still hear her. She said in a sarcastic tone, can you believe this guy has problems with Independence Blue Cross? Suddenly, the entire back office erupted into laughter. I heard 4 or 5 people laughing back there in chorus. Why is it so openly known and accepted that this is such a terrible company? When are we going to do something to change this?

6-3-2024 - I called the numbers that were given to me by Community Volunteers in Medicine, but those places are so busy I still haven't been able to get through. I will keep trying, but I feel embarrassed contacting a place overworked helping the public when I have private insurance. I have turned to Senator Bob Casey.

I have contacted Senator Bob Casey.

6-3-2024 - Donna Crilley Farrell

The communications director is aware of me.
The communications director is aware of me.

5-31-2024 - I received a response from Community Volunteers in Medicine.

They indicated that although their charter is for uninsured persons, they are 100 per cent sympathetic to my plight. They have offered the following. resources for persons who are under-insured. My relationship with independence Blue Cross meets the definition of underinsured. Although there are only two options, located many miles from my home, I'm still excited to possibly have the first access to blood pressure medication in years. The two resources are:

Center for Family Health at Coatesville
744 East Lincoln Highway
Suite 110
Coatesville, PA 19320

Medical: 610-380-4660
Dental: 610-383-3888
After Hours: 610-359-3759


731 W Cypress St, Kennett Square, PA 19348
Phone: (610) 444-7550

5-28-2024 - Kathleen L. of Independence Blue Cross did call me back this AM concenerning our 5/06/2024 phone call. She indicates she found a way for me to get my records. That's great because the link I found on 5/6/2024 when I spoke to Katheen is only for children. She will send me the information via eMail.

5-25-2024 - Commentary: 4th anniversary of George Floyd's death - George Floyd, systemic discrimination, and me.

It's been 4 years since the tragic death of George Floyd. I was reminded of this by a post from Gregory Deavens of Independence Blue Cross on his LinkedIn profile. At 4 years, it seems just like yesterday. Mr. Floyd had a right to live, and it was denied. In re-reviewing his story, I realized his connection to mine:

His famous quote is: “I can't breathe.” He had a police officer's foot on his throat. I don't take it lightly when I make the comparison that Independence Blue Cross has had its foot on my throat for the past seven years. I can't breathe either. Literally. I am short winded walking very short distances. I become light headed and get chest pains lifting things in my daily life and at my job. Heart attack, stroke, or death are imminent. I recognize that my cardiovascular health is significantly compromised, and recently ordered this oxygen concentration device out-of-pocket so that I can breathe. George Floyd didn't get the opportunity to order a oxygen device. A police officer kneeled on his neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds, and then he died. However, in the comparative sense, Mr. Floyd was put down more humanely because he died within minutes of the attack beginning. I've been dying for the last seven years. In his case and mine, people who could help stood by idly.

Systemic discrimination. The police officers were able to treat him disrespectfully because it was an integrated part of their culture. It was part of the organized structural behavior of the Police Department. They thought nothing of their actions, they thought their actions were correct.
Many of the people whom I have sent this website to ask me how I developed the list of keyword names seen here. I maintain my position that that list is only something I came up with when researching keywords for search engines to promote this website. However, some have pointed out that the legally available domain names are in some cases similar to real persons. Admittedly, that's true. it's not a list of Executives at Independence Blue Cross and their affiliates. It's merely a list of persons, over the last 7 years, that I have passionately reached out to for assistance. No responses. So one might consider it a list of Shame. It's more than a list of shame. It's evidence of systemic discrimination. It's evidence that there is a directive within Independence Blue Cross to not communicate or provide me any assistance. “No comfort for the enemy.”

It changed everything. 4 years later, we're still talking about him. That's the silver lining of the tragedy. I hope to make a life saving change in healthcare that will be recognized at least 4 years from now. Had we not all reacted passionately to George Floyd's death, police officers would still be mailing on the throats of black people. Now, police officers think twice now before engaging in such behavior. I want to make it so that insurance company executives think twice before engaging in systemic discrimination.

I am the slow motion George Floyd. I bet his family would have liked to have been able to pull the police officer off of him before he was killed. It's too late for that. but there is something the reader of this website can do to honor George Floyd's memory: Work to pull Independence Blue Cross off of my throat.
In today's world, it is absolutely unacceptable to discriminate based on race. However, if you discriminate based upon disability, where a financial gain is achieved, that's completely acceptable. Blue Cross / Blue Shield has always been a leader in discrimination. They have just switched from one form to another.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Honor Mr Floyd's memory by promoting equality in healthcare.

05-20-2024 - Things are unfortunately not going so well, my heart condition is not sustainable. Still no response from Independence Blue Cross as to how I might resume medical services. Independence Blue Cross is aggressively promoting that they will be in my neighborhood on June 4th to conduct a fundraiser for Community Volunteers in Medicine. I've reached out to CVIM to see if I can get any access to healthcare via them.

05-19-2024 - Trump and Biden have agreed to debate, the fight for Pennsylvania (and America) has begun! I am currently drafting a letter to each camp. Who will be first to address "Joe the Worker"? Will I be able to reach them?!

President Joe Biden:

He should have the advantage, having been the VP for ObamaCare. His current commercials state "HealthCare is a basic human right". Democrats are generally perceived as more healthcare friendly.
He has done little to further advance the goals of ObamaCare. His numbers in Pennsylvania continue to drop. Kim Keck and Gregor Deavens of Blue Cross have repeatedly proudly posted that they have been invited to The White House. Does President Biden support HealthCare as a basic human right, or does he support Blue Cross?

Former President Donald Trump:

Pros: The Trump Administration took historic actions to lower prescription drug prices, expand access to affordable coverage, deliver hospital and insurer price transparency, and allow Americans to access trusted doctors.
Cons:Mr. Trump is a bold and boisterous personality that many Americans reject. He currently is facing numerous legal challenges. Republicans are generally perceived as less healthcare friendly.

Good Luck to both parties! May the best candidate for President win.
I look forward to promoting the candidate who can best answer the question: How would you protect Joe the worker from companies like Independence Blue Cross.

05-13-2024 - Once again Blue Cross lawyers are reviewing my Linkdin Profile. This is not the first time, but this is the first time it's the lawyers from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Usually it's just the lawyers with Independence Blue Cross. It's good to see I'm getting noticed!
Blue Cross Lawyers are studying me.

05/06/2024 - I spoke with Kathleen L. of Independence Blue Cross. I asked her for the method of releasing my case file. I also asked if phone calls are ever released, as all phone call are prefaced with a message that they are recorded for quality and training purposes. Kathleen indicated she was confused, since IBX is a health insurance company and not a medical company. I was looking for any records of interaction between myself and the company. We also discussed the letter that she sent to me dated 12/23/2021, which is a written statement from Independence Blue Cross that I totally disagreed with. More on that on a coming update to this website. Kathleen did indicate that she would return to her supervisors to re-review the issue. I am appreciative of that.

Update: After the call, I googled my request, and found this link on the first search:

Authorization for Disclosure of Sensitive Health Information

It is exactly what I was looking for.

04/26/2024 - US Supreme Court urged to strike lawyers' $667 mln fee in Blue Cross case

04/01/2024 - Blue Cross Blue Shield must face Ford Motor antitrust claims, US judge rules

02/05/2024 - My credit score is officially back to pre-attack levels. And everyone who helped has been completely paid back.

10/25/2023 - $2.7 bln Blue Cross antitrust settlement upheld by US appeals court